I had one of the toughest days of my life today personally and was busy from 6am until 7pm, and through all the stress and weirdness of the day, I found myself looking forward to taking a walk. Me! Looking FORWARD to a walk. I've come to find out that walking... gives me MY time. I can walk away from the stress or I can take it with me on my walk. But it's MY choice, because I walk alone. And THAT'S the great revelation on this day... I walk alone... and I can make it!

Things go by in a blur on camera... in the night time. But there is beauty in the blur, and even when things seem hazy... or out of focus... take a moment to step back and just watch things go by. It can be beautiful.

So I'm out there now. Alone. In the dark. And you know what? I'm loving it... because I'm making a better me ultimately. So THAT'S what everyone's been trying to tell me all along. They just may be right. Oh by the way, there have been some significant number changes on the scale, but I'm not ready to show you that yet. Hang in there with me, I know you will.
I personally love my alone time. I get to know who this person inside me is. The world is quick to define us but we don't take the same time to define ourselves. I'm looking forward to getting to know you.