So this is my year of walks...

Nothing fancy. It is exactly what it says it is. Over the next year, I want to take a walk every day. For an entire year. Hopefully, along my journey I can discover better health, weight loss, and a sense of direction and purpose in my life. And so my journey begins. On my way to a better me.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Jan 4, 2010

Yep, I did it! I managed to get out there once the post-holiday "real world" kicked in. Thanks to Kelly and Kristin, I found out there are really cool walking trails right in the complex where I work! So during lunch, on another cool day when the sun was shining, we headed out for a brisk 20 minute walk and managed to put in almost a mile. Kelly and Kristin are going to be good for holding my feet to the fire on this. I think they want me to succeed. Or maybe they just want to try to wear my ass out! Ha. Thanks for the company! I've got no excuses to not walk while at work.
This is the view at the start of the journey! Impressive, isn't it? There are so many beautiful little oasis's like this. Those wooden bridges let you walk out over the water and take in the entire shoreline. Kelly and Kristin swear there are turtles out here, and even a large gator! Hope to get a shot of that one day!

This is the bell tower in the Carillon complex. It's at about the halfway point of the walk. There's something weird about this tower. It feels like an outdoor church.

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