Today is the last day of January, and the first complete month of walks in my Year of Walks quest. Haven't faltered at all so far, and I'm enjoying my time out in the open air. Today my walking took me down to Redington Beach, FL just a stone's throw down the road. A walk down to this pier from my starting point is about .7 miles, making today's total trip about a mile and a half.

All I could think of when I saw THESE guys was "A flock of seagulls" look at the hair (feathers) on these guys. If that doesn't say punk rockers, nothing does. I've never seen this type of seagull, or maybe I wasn't paying attention.

Birds in flight over some choppy seas today.

I love this picture because it captures pretty much all the types of birds you hope to see when you hit the beach. It's rare for me to see all types in one photo. You have a crane, various types of seagulls, and pelicans. Can't we all just get along? Yes, apparently we can. Fun walk today. And that's January. Looking forward to the upcoming walks, wherever they may be.
Congrats on your first complete month of walks. I am very impressed with your dedication. Love the posts as well.