So this is my year of walks...

Nothing fancy. It is exactly what it says it is. Over the next year, I want to take a walk every day. For an entire year. Hopefully, along my journey I can discover better health, weight loss, and a sense of direction and purpose in my life. And so my journey begins. On my way to a better me.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jan 30, 2010

Today's walk was in Walsingham Park. This is the lake off of the Walsingham Rd. entrance. I walked almost entirely around this lake today in the misty rain, and that's about 2.1 miles. Not bad.
I love these types of trees. This is a southern pine tree that has died for one reason or another. These are the trees that you usually see the big Osprey nests in near the top. This tree appears to be the victim of a lightning strike. See the charred bark near the bottom on the right hand side? Nature leave clues if you know where to look.
One of my "road" photos. I always try to get my feet down in a picture every day if possible so nobody doubts my authenticity, and not photoshop skills. Yep, I'm really out there folks.