Tonight it's just a simple walk for #110. You try to put in more time, more distance, more effort. And then life calls, and asks you to take a pause. Tonight my walk is a simple one, around the hospital. I've been coming here for over a month to see my Dad.

Inside these walls, up on the sixth floor, in a room fighting for his life back, my father waits daily for my visit. This is a walk I've made every day for over a month. It's an easy walk as far as distance goes. The terrain is a respectable incline that tests the most seasoned calf muscles. But the walk for me is a tough one to make because I know my dad is hurting, and struggling every day. I'll remember his fight up there, his struggle to continue, to go on. I'll remember that every time I want to complain about having to go out and take a walk, or put in an effort to continue. And thank God that I have the power to do so.

The journey continues. Love you Dad. See you tomorrow!
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