Walk 107 was at nearby George McGough park. This little gem is SO close to my house, it's amazing that I've never gone here before. So I set out on the walking trails, undiscovered pathways ahead of me and was treated to nature's splendor.

Like a silent stream setting straight out of a Bob Ross painting, you can almost hear the serene sounds of trickling water pass by this tall tree growing out of the little riverway.

These boardwalk paths are SO cool. Putting you right out in nature, but not having to deal with the perils of critter-life under your feet.

Another one of my favorite twisty trees. These are wickedly wonderful.

And then you make a turn, and you are treated to a lengthly pier that stretches well out into the Boca Ciega. Saturday pleasure boaters cruise by, careful to obey the "no wake" zone. It's a wonderful day!
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