Walks can have all sorts of positive results. There are high impact and low impact walks. There are long distance and short distance walks. And then there are walks like today, when they're just "walks". Today I'm in Ybor City. Ybor is the historic latin center of Tampa, FL. I'm working Flan Fest, a celebration of the hispanic culture's favorite sweet treat, and although I'll limit myself to flan intake, there are no limits to the walk around Centennial Park and the sites of Flan Fest.

At the north end of the park, there is this immigrant statue the commemorates the arrival of hundreds of immigrants into the Tampa community.

A walk along 9th avenue will lead you to these original houses built back in the early 1900's. They are still as they were almost 100 years ago.

Ahh, I did mention flan, didn't I? Here are some of the competitors in the flan fest, and they take their sweets seriously. Competing for top prize in categories like Best Original Recipes and Non-traditional recipes. They even had chocolate flan and apple Jack Daniels recipes.

Here's one of the walls celebrating each immigrant by name. Some walks are just well worth taking, regardless of the physical benefits. Today I learned something about our city and it's culture. Not a life lesson, but a lesson well worth learning. y el viaje continĂșa (and the journey continues...)
Thanks Ed for an interesting historical post. We will need to check this one out when we visit Florida.