So this is my year of walks...

Nothing fancy. It is exactly what it says it is. Over the next year, I want to take a walk every day. For an entire year. Hopefully, along my journey I can discover better health, weight loss, and a sense of direction and purpose in my life. And so my journey begins. On my way to a better me.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Feb 8, 2010

Here I am on Day 39 in my year of walks, about 1/10th of the way through this journey, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. I made a little milestone leap tonight, going from my usual 1 or 1.5 mile walks, to a full 2 mile walk. It didn't take much longer, and I'll get it up to 3 before too long. But if you remember, it's not the DISTANCE of the walk, it's the QUALITY of the walk, and today... I got quality. An unexpected thing happened today. I put in 2 full miles! A first!

I never planned on this shot, but it's sort of cool, in a creepy way. I had to prop my camera on a fencepost, and it sort of shot at an "up" angle. With the tree in front of my face, I knew I just had to turn it into black and white to get that cool creepiness. I think it works. This'll be the back cover of my horror novel. WHEN I write it.

This bottom row of wavy clouds looks sort of like a musical stanza. Go ahead and put your own notes in there and write your own song.

This was a little Disney moment. This guy came down to check me out.
Next walk this way, I'll bring him some treats!

I met this interesting guy and his dog. (I think he looks a little like Bill Paxton, don't you?)
Don't they look happy? This is Win, and his dog Koby. Win tole me that usually they run, but tonight he was breaking in a new pair of boots. My good fortune. I told him about my journey and how this time it worked because I had incorporated photography into my walks.
He told me that his son just did a report on Thomas Edison, and Edison used to say that as long as you're failing, it means you're still trying. LESSON LEARNED.
I asked if I could take their picture for my blog and they happily obliged. Thanks guys. Walk on. And I will too.

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