Today is walk 53 and what a special walk it was. I'm beginning to think this little journey is becoming infectious, and I am truly honored by the people that want to become a part of my journey. This is Greg Billings, an old friend of mine who's best known as the lead singer of The Greg Billings Band, and Stranger. We go WAY back and I was just blown away when he said he wanted to get in on a walk. We met at Kapok Park in Clearwater, and put in a solid hour. Talking about old times, old friends, and where we are in our lives now. This is a great way to catch up with friends.

Greg told me he lives near this park and regrets that he only gets out to enjoy it a few times a year. I hope to change that. We're gonna do the bigger circuit soon.

Even though the day was dreary, the park was just beautiful, full of wildlife and plant life. And hills.... oh yes, one in particulary had me working!

Greg taking in the sites!

I HAVE to draw attention to this trash heap that is visible to those of us who use the park. I will continue to point out attention to this, it's now starting to really bother me that people are mistreating their surroundings like this. What was once a nice water retension area is now a dry trash heap. Come on people, we can do better than THIS! I don't want to see your trash, and I can't believe you want to life in it. Clean up your act.
Good for you to be inspiring others to get out more and to let people know they are disrespectful of others and nature when they throw their garbage on the ground.