So this is my year of walks...

Nothing fancy. It is exactly what it says it is. Over the next year, I want to take a walk every day. For an entire year. Hopefully, along my journey I can discover better health, weight loss, and a sense of direction and purpose in my life. And so my journey begins. On my way to a better me.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Feb 18, 2010

Sometimes, a walk is just a walk. That's how I was feeling tonight. I was feeling a little anxious, didn't really want to go out but I had to keep the streak going. So I set out to take just a short walk, and something great happened. As I walked, whatever was causing me anxiety began to fade away. The cool air felt good going into my lungs as my breathing became a little more settled, and I realized that tonight I was going back to my original premise for doing these walks. Just to get out there every day. Lately I had been consumed with adding distance or time, and tonight, it was about commiting to the original goal. It made me feel good, that I had my priorities straight when I set out to do this. Get out and walk. A walk a day. It didn't have to be anything spectacular. And tonight, with that knowledge, I actually walked a little further than intended, and felt better after doing so.

I can't tell you how many times I walked this route and never really noticed this sign. It's big, and artsy. Very nice. For a sign, that is. But it shocked me that I never noticed it. I thought about how many times we walk through a day never really seeing things around us. And this made me more thoughtful about noticing things around us every day. Lesson learned. Again.

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