Walk 51 today happened down in St. Petersburg, FL at Tropicana Field, also called The Trop. I went down to FanFest, working as a volunteer for Bright House and Bay News 9 and thought it would be a great place to take in a walk. I was right.

Thousands showed up to walk down on the field where the Rays play, and take in all the sights and sounds of the stadium. There were things to buy, things to see, and autograph signings too.

This amazing display of a Ray's shirt is built entirely of Pepsi products. Although I like Coke products, I prefer this display over all the others. Impressive.

Here I am among thousands, my secret agenda: Walk 51, they don't know they're part of something special. I mean OTHER than FanFest.

My best friend Barb was there for Bright House Sports Network. We met each other working in this business 25 years ago, and here we are working in the same business, still together, still kicking butt! Thanks for being part of walk 51 Barb.